About Us

Started in 1954 as a weekly, The Kashmir Times was converted into a daily in 1964 and is being published regularly since then. Known for its independent policy with objectivity in presenting news and free and fearless comments, The Kashmir Times is your window on Jammu and Kashmir. It is the oldest and largest circulated newspaper of Jammu and Kashmir with a total readership of two million. It reaches every corner of the state and several parts in the neighbouring states of Punjab, Himachal Pardesh and Delhi. It has regular subscribers from different parts of the world. For its indepth study and objective analysis with right prespective of different aspects of life in Jammu and Kashmir, The Kashmir Times is recognised the world over as the key to Kashmir affairs.

Other Group Publications

Dainik Kashmir Times (Hindi Daily)
The Hindi publication of Dainik Kashmir Times was started in 1989 on the demand of readers in Jammu and Kashmir. There was no other Hindi newspaper published from Jammu and Kashmir till 1989. It continued as a regular morning daily newspaper since its inception. Like the premier publication of Kashmir Times, the Hindi daily has persued its independent policy with objectivity in presenting news and free and fair comments. It has grown as the premier publication of the group in the national Indian language. Being the first and pioneering Hindi daily, it has grown with the passage of time as the largest circulated Hindi newspaper of Jammu and Kashmir. It reaches its readers not only in Jammu and Kashmir, but also the neighbouring north Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab.

SPRINGER (Monthly Childern's Magazine)
 Jammu and Kashmir's only childern's magazine reaches almost half a million readers annually and is popular among both the young and the old for its creativity, its variety and scope. Each issue of springer is a storehouse of stories, poetry, articles ranging from history to current issues and from nature to science, general knowledge, amazing facts, news diary, comics, humour, puzzles, contest and a space for budding artists. Just like its name "Springer", which means to grow, we hold out a promise for childern to grow creatively and responsibly with a magazine that encourges childern to participate. More than half of our contributors are children. For elders, it holds out the promise of getting to know their childern better and making them learn things the fun way. The Springer is published from Jammu and is circulated all over Jammu & Kashmir and in Delhi.

Jammu Prabhat (Dogri Daily)
The Dogri publication of Jammu Prabhat was started in 2008 on the demand of readers in Jammu and Kashmir. There was no other Dogri newspaper published from Jammu and Kashmir till 2008. It continued as a regular morning daily newspaper since its inception. Like the premier publication of Kashmir Times, the Dogri daily has persued its independent policy with objectivity in presenting news and free and fair comments. It has grown as the premier publication of the group in the national Indian language. Being the first and pioneering Dogri daily, it has grown with the passage of time as the largest circulated Dogri newspaper of Jammu and Kashmir.